Natya Darpan - Dance

Natya Darpan - Dance Competition


Step into the excitement of rhythm and dance as teams of each University go up against each other in an extravaganza of choreography and the talent of each member and how they line up one on one.

Team Limit

  • Each team can have 12 to 15 members.


  1. Team limit:- Each team can have participants between 12-15 members.
  2. Time limit:- Should not exceed more than 8 - 10 minutes for each performance.
  3. Negative marking for exceeding the time limit.
  4. Max. teams per University: 1
  5. Audio submission deadline: January 25th, 2024.
  6. Drive link for Audio and Background image submission:- Upload your teams’ audio and background images required for the performance in the Shore website under the COMPETITIONS section.


  1. THEME: It is mandatory to unite any of the Indian dance forms with any other global style.
  2. Live music is not allowed.
  3. Accessories, props and costumes will have to be arranged by the participants.
  4. Props utilised in dance competitions should not disturb the environment.
  5. All the other fusion choreographies (Western with folk, Western with Semi-Classical, Western with mass rhythm, Contemporary Bollywood/Tollywood fusion, etc.) are allowed.
  6. The audio should not demean/discriminate against any community.

Judging Criteria:

  1. Sticking to the theme.
  2. Choreography of the performance.
  3. Stage utilisation.
  4. Expressions of the performers.
  5. Synchronisation of the team.
  6. Adhering to the time limits and theme.
  7. Winning prizes:
  8. 1st - ₹15,000/-
  9. 2nd - ₹7,000/-

Sangeeta Samaroh - Music

Sangeeta Samaroh - Music Competition


Compete against other teams as everyone steps up their game at this inter-Uni competition and finds out who is the best composer. Watch as teams amplify their talents, weave their tunes into melodies and find out who tells the best story.

Team Limit

  • Each team can have 4 to 6 members.


  1. Team limit:- Each band can have participants between 4- 6.
  2. Time limit:- Should not exceed more than 8-10 minutes for each performance. There will be a negative marking for exceeding the time limit.
  3. Max. teams per university: 1
  4. Background image submission:- Upload background images required for the performance in the SHORE website under the REGISTRATIONS section.


  1. THEME: It is mandatory to unite any of the Indian music forms with any other global style.
  2. A band of aid is allowed as they sing and play at least one instrument.
  3. Any distasteful behaviour and or damage to the surrounding equipment or supplies will result in disqualification.
  4. Only the keyboard part of the synthesiser is allowed.(Rhythm part is not allowed.)
  5. The SHORE team will not be responsible for the failure of any of the instruments.

Judging Criteria:

  1. Creativity and Originality of the piece composed.
  2. Instrumental proficiency will be taken into account.
  3. Clarity, pitch and expressiveness of the Vocal skills will be judged.
  4. Adhering to the fusion theme will be considered.
  5. Winning Prizes:
  6. 1st Prize – ₹15,000/-
  7. 2nd Prize – ₹7,000/-

Vastrakriti Prathiyogitha - Fashion Walk

Vastrakriti Prathiyogitha - Fashion Walk Competition


Welcome to the runway where fashion meets creativity as students take the catwalk with their own designs and clothing as they mix and match and show off the colours of life.

Team Limit

  • Each team can have 1 to 2 members.


  1. Team limit:- Individual Event.
  2. Time limit: 30 seconds for the walk; up to 1 minute for descriptions.
  3. Max. teams per university: 1


  1. Theme: Marine Life.
  2. The person must design their outfit from scratch based on the theme.
  3. Use props(optional) judiciously and ensure they do not disrupt the performance flow.
  4. There is no special provision from the organisers for props. Teams have to bring their costumes and props.
  5. Use of materials like candles, matches, and any hazardous materials on stage is prohibited.
  6. Only one person is allowed to help the participant. [Team of 2]
  7. Make sure the outfits are in guidelines to college rules and appropriate outfits are to be strictly adhered to.
  8. ⁠Originality should be maintained.

Judging Criteria:

  1. Relevance to the theme.
  2. Innovative and original ideas will be appreciated.
  3. Execution of the design will be accounted for.
  4. The aesthetics of the outfit will be judged.
  5. The quality of the final product will be considered.
  6. If any props are used, their integration into the performance will also be judged.
  7. Winning Prize:
  8. Male:
  9. 1st Prize – ₹10,000/-
  10. 2nd Prize – ₹7,000/-
  11. Female:
  12. 1st Prize – ₹10,000/-
  13. 2nd Prize – ₹7,000/-

Nukkad Naatak - Street Play

Nukkad Naatak - Street Play Competition


Show off your writing, acting, directing and creative skills as teams compete in Nukkad Natak, a form of theatrical performance that takes place in public spaces, particularly on streets or open areas, rather than on a traditional stage. Compete to find out who has nurtured their talents the best.

Team Limit

  • Each team can have 7 to 15 members.


  1. Team limit:- Play should consist of 10-12 participants excluding instrumentalists(Optional).
  2. Time limit:- The play shouldn’t exceed the time limit 15 mins.
  3. Max. University teams: 1


  1. Choose a socially relevant theme that resonates with your audience.
  2. Try using appropriate costumes and minimal props to enhance the visual impact.
  3. Keep the script simple and impactful, focusing on key messages.
  4. Content should be an original piece of work. Plagiarised work is strictly prohibited; if found plagiarised, the organisers and judges reserve the right to disqualify the team or deduct points.
  5. Any obscenity through actions, images or language may result in penalties ranging from point deduction to disqualification.
  6. The teams are allowed to use the local language for better connection.

Judging Criteria:

  1. Content and the message of the skit play a vital role in evaluation. The overall performance direction will also be considered.
  2. The interaction between the characters and improv skills also play a major role.
  3. The stage utilisation will also be judged.
  4. The effort put into costume, and its coordination will also count for points.
  5. Winning prizes:
  6. 1st Prize – ₹8,000/-
  7. 2nd Prize – ₹4,000/-

Paaka Prathiyogitha - Masterchef

Paaka Prathiyogitha - Masterchef Competition


Unleash your culinary prowess as contestants go up against each other to find out who is worthy of holding the pinnace of this extraordinary culinary contest.

Team Limit

  • Each team can have 1 members.


  1. Team limit:- Individual Event.
  2. Time limit:- 2 hours.
  3. Max. University teams: 1


  1. The theme for the MasterChef competition is "ITALIAN FOODS"
  2. The required amenities and ingredients will be provided.
  3. Participants should not bring any cut, chopped or grated raw materials. They should process it on the spot within the allotted time.
  4. Dishes should be purely vegetarian.
  5. Participants should not bring any pre-cooked items.
  6. Participants can bring non-electric equipment like a mixer, chopper, juicer, grater, etc.
  7. ⁠Cook or attempt to make any dish of your choice with the given ingredients within the time limit(excluding baked goods like cakes or cookies).

Judging Criteria:

  1. Usage of the ingredient which the committee promulgates is a must.
  2. The committee will assess efficiency, hygiene, originality and creativity.
  3. The competition will be judged based on various factors affecting the dish, such as execution, appearance, and taste.
  4. The final decision-making power is held by the judges and will be the binding case.
  5. Winning prizes:
  6. 1st Prize – ₹5,000/-
  7. 2nd Prize – ₹2,500/-

Vaada Sangraaha - Debate

Vaada Sangraaha - Debate Competition


Fuel your intellect on this battleground where concise argumentation, sharp wits and persuasive prowess take centre stage and ultimately decide who is worthy of this title.

Team Limit

  • Each team can have 4 members.


  1. Team Limit: 4 people per team are mandatory.
  2. Time Limit: 5 min for an opening statement and 5 minutes for a closing statement. A team will only get ten more minutes in one go.
  3. Max. University teams: 1


  1. Introduction to Teams:
  2. 1. Team Proposition: For
  3. ( First / Second / Third / Fourth Speakers )
  4. 2. Team Opposition: Against
  5. ( First / Second / Third / Fourth Speakers )
  6. Role of the ‘First Speaker’: The Initiator
  7. 1. The first speaker’s role is to dissect the agenda at hand, provide context, clarity, meanings and set the base for the team’s arguments.
  8. 2. Usually doesn’t provide team rebuttals.
  9. 3. Briefly introduces key concepts/points so as to provide speaker two with a base.
  10. Role of the ‘Second Speaker’: The Builder
  11. 1. The second speaker’s role is to build up on the content previously introduced or laid out by their team’s first speakers.
  12. 2. Appropriate examples, references and studies can be used to back up the arguments/ideas laid out initially by the first speaker.
  13. 3. Can choose to provide rebuttals
  14. Role of the ‘Third Speaker’: The Concluder
  15. 1. Intricately connects their team and opposition team’s arguments and provides conclusive rebuttals/ appropriate answers to the accusations laid out by the opposing team.
  16. 2. The rebuttals have to be consistent and in tandem with the stance constantly portrayed by the team. Appropriate examples/ facts and references can be highlighted.n disqualification.
  17. Role of the ‘Fourth Speaker’: The Analyst
  18. 1. Focuses mostly on cross-questioning, must use instances and verses from oppositional speeches and lay out an array of examples that may contradict team stances.
  19. 2. Highlight team factors and question oppositional statements to strengthen arguments. Points out verbal fallacies and concludes team play.
  20. Time Frame:
  21. Each individual speaker will be given 4 minutes to present their side of the argument.
  22. Debate speeches can be as short as 30 seconds and can extend to a maximum limit of 4 minutes and 10 seconds.
  23. Agendas:
  24. A brief guide of resources will be shared a week before the final event
  25. The resource guide would contain movie/music / visual / concept-based references which had to be further deduced for effective research,
  26. The agendas would be related to the information related to/in the resource guides provided only, Remember, the agendas will not be entirely technical; they will all be based on individual opinionation and societal happenings.
  27. Exact Proceedings:
  28. The adjudicator will initiate a coin flip. Both teams are to call out between “Heads” & “Tails”. The winning team gets to choose their side of the motion before its reveal.
  29. The motion is announced on the spot, and 15 minutes are provided for preparing/making pointers. Stationary and blank notes/sheets will be allowed, but pre-written material will not be allowed.
  30. Participants can use the internet for the first 5 minutes of the 15 provided to search for relevant references or meanings; the remaining 10 minutes will be for pointers and planning.
  31. Utilisation of AI Tools such as but not limited to Chat GPT will lead to immediate disqualification.
  32. No electronic device will be allowed after the 5 out of 15-minute threshold.
  33. After each speech, an extra minute will be provided for the next speaker to collect relevant arguments.
  34. The debate starts with the first speaker from “Team Proposition”, followed by a 60-second gap and then with the first speaker from “Team Opposition”.
  35. Alternatively, both teams, one member after another, come and present their sides of the argument
  36. . All the rounds will be treated as knockouts unless stated otherwise during the start of the rounds.

Judging Criteria:

  1. Every debate is scored separately on “Three” primary criteria:
  2. 1. Matter: Content Clarity & Relevance.
  3. 2. Manner: Presentation & Modulation.
  4. 3. Method: Transition & Flow.
  5. 4. Analysis.
  6. Winning Prizes:
  7. 1st Prize – ₹3,000/-
  8. 2nd Prize – ₹2,000/-

Chitrakalaa - Canvas Art

Chitrakalaa - Canvas Art Competition


Ignite your artistic spirit, explore the boundless world of creativity, craft visually captivating stories and let your unique expression shine on the canvas.

Team Limit

  • Each team can have 1 members.


  1. Team Limit: Individual Event
  2. Time Limit: 1½ hour.
  3. Max. University teams: 1


  1. The theme will be announced on the spot at the venue.
  2. Participants are to bring their own art supplies. The SHORE team will NOT provide any art supplies to any contestants.
  3. The canvas for the artwork will be provided by the SHORE team.
  4. Participants will not be allowed to use any references during or after the announcement of the theme.
  5. Participants can use any type of art style and form (No Limits).
  6. Each participant will have to talk about their topics and describe them for about a minute.
  7. Any sense of vulgarity will not be tolerated, and the participants will be disqualified from the competition.

Judging Criteria:

  1. Judges will focus on the work's creativity, theme relevance, and presentation quality while considering the overall appearance of the projects.
  2. After the projects are done, the description will also be a point of evaluation. The aesthetics of the artwork will also be considered while judging.
  3. The judge's decisions will be the final binding case for the competition.
  4. Winning Prizes:
  5. 1st Prize – ₹4,000/-
  6. 2nd Prize – ₹3,000/-